Tuesday 17 February 2009

Islamic Perspective(s)

  • Language is a gift from Allah S.W.T to us. There are many languages in this world which represent their native speakers.For example, Malay language represents the Malays therefore we cannot take the risk to improve the language to the expense of its authenticity by borrowing the words from other languages. Each language has its own uniqueness which indirectly shows the Greatness of Allah S.W.T. Without His will, no one can create a language. Therefore, it is our responsibility to preserve our language's authenticity.In Surah ar Rum 30:22 "And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and color. Verily, in that are indeed signs for those who know".

  • Language is essential to us in every aspect of life. Imagine life without language, how can we communicate among us? How can our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W complete his mission to preach human beings to the right path without language?

  • Emulating another language is one thing, but to misuse it by the intention to gain prestige is not the right thing to do. This is because most of the time, we tend to adopt words from English as a mean for us to be fit in the globalization era. It shows that we are not thankful with what we have and this is 'kufr nikmah'.

  • According to the Holy Quran, Allah will not change the fate of the people unless they put some efforts to change it. So, the effort that we have to initiate in order to change the fate of our language is the attitude towards lexical borrowing. We should not adapt foreign words especially English language excessively in our own language. Therefore, cautions should be taken in preserving the authenticity and dignity of the language.